Here we present our activities and share information from the world of Science.
Welcome to CERCiência - Science Network website

Podcast "Out of the health box"​
LisbonPH, now in an even closer and more accessible format. As a training entity for Health Professionals, our mission is to promote and support entrepreneurship and access to quality information in this area, and for this reason we provide an online interview every two weeks where we delve into current topics, providing reliable information.
Escola Azul - Blue School
Escola Azul - Blue School is an educational programme of the Portuguese Ministry of Economy and Maritime Affairs. Its main goal is to improve the level of Ocean Literacy in schools, creating responsible and active generations that contribute for the Ocean's sustainability.

​Interviewing... Carlos Fiolhais
“There have never been so many scientists in Portugal as there are today.”
Click here for the full interview.